Store Policies

1.Limited Warranty Period 

This Limited Warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship of the Product (excluding batteries) arising or occurring as a result of your normal and ordinary use of the Product for a period of one (1) year in Canada and the United States of America. This Limited Warranty covers all defects in material and workmanship of the Product's batteries arising or occurring as a result of your normal and ordinary use of the Product for a period of six (6) months in Canada and the United States of America. In the event a defect covered by this Limited Warranty occurs, Right RouteMicromobility Inc will repair or replace your Product and/or batteries in accordance with the terms of this Limited Warranty. The applicable period for the Limited Warranty begins the date the Product is purchased from Right Route. 
The Limited Warranty is valid only for the original purchaser of the Product for Products purchased on or after April 4 2023 or for those who have had a warranty transferred to them through Right Route on or before April 3 2023.

2.Limited Warranty Service Process 

If you discover what you believe is a defect for your Product, please contact Right Route Parts & Repair at (number) or at(email). Right Route repair service support is available to assist you in diagnosing and fixing any problems you may encounter in the use of your Product. In the event we cannot help you fix the problem, you may be entitled to warranty service under this Limited Warranty. 
In order to submit your Product for warranty service pursuant to this Limited Warranty, you will be asked to provide Right Route with (i) the proof of purchase from Right Route; and (ii) the Product’s serial number. Upon verification of your eligibility, you will need to provide your name, email address, mailing address and contact telephone number. 
If your Product is not packaged correctly it may not be accepted by the shipping companies. If your Product arrives to one of our locations in unsafe packaging it may not be accepted upon delivery. You are responsible for any damages resulting from improper packaging during transport to Right Route.
You MUST retain all of the original packaging of your Product to ensure it is repacked safely for transport. Because your Product contains lithium ion batteries transportation regulations require specific packaging for transport. You may be subject to fines if your device is found to have been shipped without its original approved packaging.
If you no longer have your original box and packaging you may be able to purchase a replacement for a fee. Replacement boxes are not guaranteed to be available and the cost of shipping an empty box is responsibility of the customer. 
Greater Vancouver area customers have the option to drop off their Product to Right Route repair service  at 440 Newlands Rd (West Vancouver) 

An authorized service person will conduct an inspection of your Product. If Right Route determines the problem is not covered under the Limited Warranty, Right Route will notify you and inform you of service or replacement alternatives that are available to you on a fee basis, or Right Route will return your Product to you unrepaired. 
For eligible warranty claims, Right Route will service defective Products with new or reconditioned parts of same or similar style at no cost to you for the service. Parts replaced by Right Route will be retained by, and become the property of, Right Route . For eligible warranty claims on eligible Products Right Route will pay reasonable shipping charges for the transport of your Product to and from one of our authorized repair facilities. You are responsible for sending or dropping off the product to an authorized repair facility.
Right Route may also offer the option for self-repair and ship the necessary parts needed for repair if the customer wishes to perform a part replacement under warranty. For self-repair eligible warranty claims on eligible Products Right Route will pay reasonable shipping charges for sending the part(s) to you. 
If you are purchasing a first batch Product you will get your Product as soon as possible, however, first batch Products may have early issues. If you have any issues arise with a first batch Product our warranty will take care of you, but service may be slower than normal due to limited early parts availability.

3.Limited Warranty Eligibility

3.1  Your request for service must be received by Right Route within the Limited Warranty Period as described above, and Right Route must receive your Product in accordance with the Limited Warranty Service Process defined above. 
3.2  Your Product must be purchased from Right Route only.
3.3  You are the original purchaser of the Product.
3.4  You must retain the original purchase receipt, and provide this documentation to Right Route to verify your warranty eligibility. 
3.5  This Limited Warranty describes the service available to you in the event your Product requires warranty service.

4. Limited Warranty Exclusions

This Limited Warranty describes the service available to you in the event your Product requires warranty service, and you may have additional protections under your local laws. This Limited Warranty does not cover and excludes damage to your Product: 
4.1   Caused by abuse, misuse, neglect or commercial use. 
4.2   Caused by use contrary to the owner’s manual and other documentation or any extreme sport or exhibition use. 
4.3   Caused by accident, collision, riding over obstacles, racing, fire, water submersion, high pressure water spray, freezing, earthquake, dropping, severe oxidation, or chemical solvent corrosion. 
4.4   Caused by any repair that was unauthorized by Right Route.
4.5   Caused from improper packaging or mishandling during shipment to the warranty-service provider. 
4.6   That is cosmetic, including, scratches, dents and the removal of protective coatings that are designed to diminish over time, unless such damage occurred due to a defect in materials; or from ordinary wear and tear. 
4.7   Caused by the use of the Product with, or any modification to the Product using, any third party product, component or accessory that is not sold by Right Route.

5. Liability Disclaimer and Limitation 

Right Route does not assume, nor authorizes, anyone to assume on its behalf, any other obligation or liability in connection with a Product, its component parts, accessories, service repair, or this Limited Warranty. Right Route is not responsible for any loss of use of a Product, its component parts, accessories, or for any inconvenience or other loss or damage which might be caused from any defect in a Product, its component parts, accessories, service repair, or for any other incidental or consequential damages the purchaser may have as a result of any defect in a Product, its component parts, accessories, or service repair.